Friday, June 08, 2007

Sofa hopping

Well, it can happen to the best of us. For various reasons too complex to go into here, my time at my dad & step-mum's did not work out and I have moved out again which, given that my tenants are now living at my flat, leaves me without fixed abode at present. Have had various offers from nice people of comfy sofas/spare beds so I'm probably going to be doing this for the next few weeks until I head off to Canadia. At Silas' suggestion, I shall be rating the beds/sofas on which I'm sleeping and including photos so you can chart my progress*. The first bed I have borrowed, where I have been for the past 4 nights and belongs to my friend David (who gallantly took to the sofa for the duration), can be seen here:

I rate it as follows:
Aesthetics - 5/10
Comfort - 4/10
Quality of sleep - 8/10
Hospitality of hosts - 10/10
Total - 27/40

Comments - this bed had a sunken middle, which gave the slightly odd impression you were sleeping in a ship's bunk. Nevertheless, I slept remarkably well in it, mainly, I'd hazard a guess, because I knew I wasn't sleeping in my car.

As you can see, surprisingly comfort and quality of sleep do not always go hand in hand...

For the next week I will be staying at my friend Suzie's while she is on holiday in Ireland and looking after her cat, Nermal. I shall be sleeping in her cousin Sammy's bed (though I have my own sheets, duvet & pillows). I shall let you know the ratings it achieves in due course.

*Please not, this is just 'a bit of fun', in the words of Keith Barret and is not intended to cause any offence to anyone - I'm extremely grateful to all the offers of beds that I've had!


Jenny said...

you're welcome to come and rate my spare bed anytime ! Perhaps you should include a rating for the hospitality of your co-habitors also, or something like that?

Mia said...

Good idea! I shall update my page accordingly...