Monday, June 18, 2007

My Free Implants

This is total genius. I'm not sure what I love about it most; that you can 'earn' breast implants in this way, or the fact that the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) must have put in the word 'Aesthetic' very deliberately indeed.


Jenny said...

Ha ha...BAAPS...that's like a funny word for breasts!! I was also reading an article on bbc news about the website which supposedly offers plastic surgeons 'at available prices'. They cite the example of Lucy, unemployed, who was able to get implants for a set fee of £4,250 rather than approx £7,000. Excuse me, but do the unemployed really have over £4,000 to waste on breast implants??! And really, I think small breasts are great! Who would really want large, uncomfortable mammaries that only make men speak to your chest rather than look you in the eye!!

Mia said...

Spoken like a true small breasted woman; I couldn't agree more!

All together now: "Small ones are more juicy..."