Sunday, June 17, 2007


Marillion really excelled themselves last night at The Forum. Barney is now a total convert (haha in your face). A few things I really love about my favourite band, in no particular order, are as follows:
  • H (the lead singer) is always effortlessly note perfect
  • Steve Rothery (guitarist) doesn't use his guitar solos to be flashy and show off, they are always simple, pure and played exactly the same every single time
  • I also love the way he bows majestically at the crowd when we go wild afterwards
  • Ian Moseley (drummer) always looks calm to the point of slightly distracted, despite drumming like a demon
  • They often throw up little surprises at their gigs - last night Between You and Me was accompanied by a whole host of giant balloons filled with confetti which we bounced around for ages till they all burst and, in a shock move, they also played Sugar Mice. SUGAR MICE I ask you*
  • Last night Mark Kelly's keyboard buggered up just before he did a big solo, so he just pointed at it, shrugged and laughed before running down to complete the solo on H's keyboard at the front
  • They have enormous stamina - last night they played for 1 1/2 hours and then came back on for nearly another HOUR of encores. What modern popular beat combo would do that?
  • When I see them live - and I've probably seen them around 20-odd times now - I feel such a profound and pure joy that I can't imagine being found in any other walk of life. I love them - not in a stalkery 'I think that they're my best friends' kind of a way, just in a 'they are so good at what they do, they clearly love doing it and we love them for it' kind of way
  • We shall find out today if their new single Thank You Whoever You Are has made it into the top ten - fingers crossed please...
Boys: I salute you. Long may you continue. And can you come to Canada next year?

*I realise this will mean nothing to non-Marillion fans. But Sugar Mice was a single back in 1987, during the previous incarnation of the band when Fish was the lead singer. If you say 'isn't Fish still in the band?' I'll scream.


Anonymous said...

'H'? As in H from Steps?

Mia said...

Not actually H from steps, no. Though that would be cool.