Sunday, September 19, 2004

One or two teething problems

Hello again everyone.

I'm having a bit of a problem working out how to post pictures...well I can get one picture up (see below) but trying to get multiple pictures - like my holiday snaps for example - and surrounding them by text - like what the pictures are about for example - is proving a little tricky. I have asked my friend Lisa, who is an experienced blogger and all round good guy, to help me. If you want to see what a blog should look like, check hers out.

Other than that, since I have worked out how to do links to other things, here are some of my favourite websites for you to enjoy.

Engrish - this makes me cry with laughter everytime I visit it. I want to go to Japan so badly (sorry Lisa that I haven't visited you, I'm a bad friend)

Found Magazine - a curious assortment of things people have found. I particularly recommend 'there are options' in the notes section

i used to believe - a site dedicated to things people believed (no!) when they were young. Most amusing. We were all that daft once, you know...

Should be enough for now methinks. Back to learning about photos now. I'll try to have the holiday story + piccies up soon for the Yorkshire contingent in particular. I promised Mother you'd show them to her!

By the way, did you know you can comment on what I'm writing? If you click the bit that says 'comments' below each entry, you can tell me exactly what you think of my entries so far, give me tips on how to improve it, or general insults. However, if you choose the latter (Benj) I'll cry, so best not. The comments are visible to everyone else though, so try to keep them universal...

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Ooh! A link. Thanks ever so.
You *must* visit Japan one day, you will just love it I know. 3 months left if you want free accomodation...