Thursday, September 30, 2004

All that glitters

The evening before last, I had a bath. Okay, so this is not exactly headline news and I do have a shower every morning, you'll be pleased to know so you can stop right there with the smell jokes. But this particular bath was special. I decided to use a 'bath bomb' (you know the kind of thing, you can get them at Lush), which I had been given for my birthday, to liven it up a little, because, as you know, I wasn't feeling at my brightest. Unbeknownst to me, this particular bath bomb - the Fairy Jasmine - was full to the brim with sparkly bits. As a result, I along with the bathroom, the bedsheets and half the house have now been seemingly permanently covered in glittery sparkliness. For the last two days, people at work have been stopping me and saying "Oh look at you! Are you going to a party?" Now, that's one thing. But due to the glitter's remarkable ability to spread itself thinner and wider than an Exxon oil slick on a cormorant colony, last night Tudor came home from work looking like someone's Fairy Godmother, in more ways than one.

On checking out Lush's website I found this in the description of the Fairy Jasmine: Let us continue to warn you: only bathe with a Fairy Jasmine if you don't mind sparkling, literally not metaphorically. For those of you who work with glitter-intolerant colleagues, this is a Friday night not a Monday morning bath.

They sure ain't whistlin' Dixie...

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