I've gone back to a litter box.
Basically, a combination of Rudy's pathological fear of any kind of hole in the disc over the toilet and refusal to use it if he discovered one (or, worse, choosing alternative locations) and his penchant for trying to bury his litter to China, resulting in litter and - let's be frank - poo all over the bathroom floor every day has meant that my patience has finally waned. I'm not saying it's not a great idea to toilet train your cats, because it is, and if it was just Gertie I'm sure she'd be well away by now but Rudy's such a bloody wuss. He's sat on my lap as I type this but it's okay, he can't read. But honest to God, you should have seen the mess this morning.
Now be honest. Is this actually quite cool, or is it unbelievably naff? I can't decide, but I think that I think it's quite a nifty solution. Either way, eBay truly is a goldmine for the weird and wonderful.
is it possible to replace the plastic plant with a real one to make it a little more tasteful?
Ah, this is what I feared. You think it's tasteless then? I can't replace it with a real plant because
a) there's no room to plant anything
b) the cats would eat it
c) I can kill any living plant within about a week
But it's not a bad fake and I quite like having some low-maintenance greenery about. Oh dear.
No no no, I didn't mean it looks bad, I was meaning...er...um....that the cats might not like the taste of the plastic plant....er...yes, that's what I mean't. The plant could taste of nothing - be tasteless! You do say they like to eat plants. Therefore, it doesn't matter if you can't keep it alive for long as the cats will surely eat it anyway? I guess I am just being characteristically rude about your lovely plant potty thing (ha ha....potty....get it??). After all, if I hadn't placed that final ebay bid on your behalf you wouldn't have got it anyway, so I guess I must approve!
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