Thursday, November 04, 2004

Dear America...

And so George Bush has been returned by the American people to the White House.

You totally idiotic, gullible, moronic, imbecilic, cretinous bunch of f**k-wits.

What the f**k were you thinking? Oh, sorry, you WEREN'T thinking, were you? You clearly aren't CAPABLE of thinking. Well, have fun continuing to f**k things up for the next four years, sinking yourselves and - let's not forget they exist - the rest of the world deeper and deeper in to the quagmire that is this 'state of terror' you have almost single-handedly created. And while you're about it, why not continue driving the world further and further towards a state of total environmental collapse in pursuit of your sick, misguided and xenophobic 'American Dream'. American Dream? Too right it's a dream, because it has absolutely no basis - and no place - in reality. YOU ARE NOT THE WORLD. So go on, blow up anyone who disagrees with you, has more oil than you, or who has the temerity to have a different religious belief to you. Drill for oil in the North Pole, South Pole, Kalahari Desert and anywhere else you fancy turning into swiss cheese. Wipe out any endangered species you feel like in order to supply your people with enough electricity to watch Jerry Springer 24/7 and enough processed shit to eat that you become morbidly obese and can't get your fat arses off the sofa. Act like the biggest bully in the playground and tell everyone else 'I know WE'VE got catapults but that's because WE'RE responsible. But YOU can't have one and if I so much as SUSPECT you might have one then we're going to kill you. Because WE'RE the good guys'. Nice attitude. Bet Jesus and his dad are dead proud of you all.

Anyone know a good planet I can emigrate to?


Anonymous said...

Jolly well done! Very very impressed you've passed straight through the denial phase, Mia. You're way ahead of some of us.

Now, as to your question regarding planetary emigration, I hear Venus is simply charming this time of year. A perfect tonic for those post-election-grey-November blues! Relax... the lazy, carefree days are long. 60% longer actually, which means you could be up to 60% more relaxed. And the temperature is quite literally to die for - a balmy 464 degrees C.

You know it makes sense, Mia. We'll have to wait YEARS until we get that kind of weather here. YEARS I tell you...

Anonymous said...

yo well said indeed... you might like to read the comments americans have posted on the mirror site after the front page they did... just sums up americans completely...

Helen said...

This was just such a brilliant posting - I hope you dont mind but I emailed it to several of my friends. I loved it- summed it all up so well. Thanks !

Mia said...

Thank you and feel free to post it to whomever you want. Glad I'm not alone in my anger.

I believe I'm right in saying it was Gough Whitlam, former Prime Minister of Australia, who urged the people of his country to "maintain your rage". I think this sums things up nicely for me.