Thursday, February 21, 2008

Pink Moon*

The lunar eclipse tonight**

*Thanks goes to Nick Drake for inspiring this title
**Thanks goes to Zander for loaning me his anal probe, oops sorry, tripod, to take this picture


silas said...

Yeah, you may have actually got to see the eclipse (it was too cloudy over here, in London at least) but we have managed to have an earthquake!

Mia said...

Wh..what? Are you all okay?!?

Anonymous said...

It was horrific. My bed wobbled a bit. I think I've got PTSD.

Anonymous said...

It was rubbish, really. My desk wobbled and a card on top of my TV fell over. Other than that I think I'm okay to continue.

Mia said...

Oh my God the carnage! I'm just so glad I'm safely tucked away where only an avalanche or skiing into a solid object could feasibly kill me.