Sunday, February 19, 2006

My Darkplace

I've just downloaded a few episodes of Garth Marenghi's Darkplace from Limewire: if you never saw it Shame On You. And don't come the 'ooh downloading programmes illegally, eh?' card with me; I'd buy the DVD if it had come out yet, I am merely whetting my appetite for the day it's released. Anyway, I couldn't get episode six for some reason, so I went a-hunting on t'interweb to see if I could find it there. On my travels, I came across a forum discussion about the new Channel 4 comedy series The IT Crowd, which stars Richard Ayoade, who is also in/directed Darkplace. I've watched a couple of episodes of it, it's alright but a bit disappointing given that it's got a great cast and is written by Graham Linehan, who wrote Father Ted. The forum discussion I found had several people complaining - I swear to God - that there wasn't enough actual IT in it.


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