Sure enough the time we spent in England felt like a whirlwind and for every friend I managed to catch up with, there was at least one I sadly didn't have time to see. We stayed in Surrey for the first week, picking up a rather lovely Peugeot 308 hire car (1.6 turbo diesel, very nippy, highly recommended) a few days in, and managed to: show my flat to a couple of different people; go through some of the stuff in my garage; show Isaac the Weybridge & Walton locale; spend 8 hours walking around London; go to not one but TWO fireworks displays; meet up with my dad & step-mother, Ellie, Sophie & Dan, Zoe & Phillip, Claire, Rosie, Guy, Chris, Debbie and Jonathan.
London, whilst the dream destination of many a discerning traveller, was not really Isaac's cup of tea. He's not really a city person at all – his mother told me that when he was younger he'd get a headache just driving in their car towards Toronto – but I though he ought to see it, so we took the train into the city. We started off at Borough Market where I bought him a lovely free-range homemade burger, then
All too soon it was time to get on a red London double-decker bus (another must-do for any self-respecting tourist) and head back down to Ludgate Circus, where we were due to meet up with the lovely Guy, Chris, Debbie & Jonathan for dinner. On the way however, we took a slight detour to visit Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese pub, rebuilt in 1667 after the Great Fire of London and still looks pretty much as it did then – flagstone and sawdust on the floor an' all.
One other incident springs to mind from our time in Surrey. On the way back from picking up the hire care in Kingston, we stopped in at my friends' Zoe & Phillip's house, with their children Elliot (5) and Eva (2). Since Zoe, Phillip & I were nattering away nineteen to the dozen, when Elliot asked Isaac the magic words: “Would you like to come and have a look at my Lego?” he leapt at the chance. He took Elliot and Eva into the lounge to play and watch telly while I caught up on the latest gossip. A little later on, it was time for the kids to have their dinner, so when they came back into the kitchen to eat, Elliot brought some Lego with him. At one point he wanted to tell me something about his Lego but had no luck trying to get my attention, since I was still talking excitedly to Zoe, so he lent over to Isaac and asked “What's your mum's name again?” Isaac of course was laughing so hard he could hardly reply. I wasn't in the least bit offended however, since from Elliot's perspective, it was obvious that I was an adult who was chatting to his mum and dad in the kitchen, while my 'son' had come over for a play-date!
The trip up to Yorkshire involved a 3 day stop-over at Suzie's house – Isaac had of course already met Suze and her son Joey, over in New Zealand when they'd come over for Debbie's wedding, along with her ex-husband Simon who had been travelling with them (they're oh so terribly modern). Now however, Isaac also needed to meet Suzie's boyfriend, erm, Simon. We all got on well and it was great to hang out with Joey, who is hilarious.* He's very keen on cars and trucks – much to Isaac's delight – and can already at the age of three identify most of the cars on the road. In fact I was shocked when we stepped outside and he spotted our hire car he immediately said “Oh you have a Peugeot!” Isaac taught him that when you see a car riding on flashy rims, you have to say that it's 'balling on dubs', which he took to with great enthusiasm, though his dad had already taught him to say a car was 'pimping' so I didn't feel too bad. During our stay with Suzie in the Midlands, we visited Warwick Castle, in order to introduce Isaac to the ancient history England has to offer, and followed it by a hellish 2.5 hour journey home in hard rain and horrendous traffic, in order to introduce Isaac to what the Friday rush hour is like in England.
Finally we made it to Yorkshire just in time for a big family dinner for Toni's birthday. Jenny had done slow-roasted pork (Jamie Oliver's recipe) and all the trimmings, which was phenomenally good. Over the next few days we took Isaac into Beverley, over to York - where we totally failed to find a decent cream tea** to have and ended up buying our own in M&S and heading back to Benj's place to eat it - over to Leeds where we visited the German Christmas market and the museum and of course lovely lovely Hull. In between these trips I was frantically trying to
Come the last couple of days at Jen's I was sat for 12 hours at a time in the same chair printing off and organising my PR application. It was horrible, but worth it as I was able to get it into good order ready to send as soon as we arrived back to Canada. Then we drove back down to Surrey in time to see my tenants out of the flat and spent the next couple of days living at the flat and getting a few things up to scratch - new vacuum, new ironing board, sealant around windows, fitting a new light and repairing an old one, new loo seat and a damn good clean all round - you know the kind of deal. I thought I'd found some new tenants who were keen but long story short a credit check and closer examination of circumstances revealed a very bad risk and we had to let them go, which meant I was heading back with no tenants lined up - very worrying. Thank God for my sister and my dad who were on hand to take over the search - I really can't say thank you enough guys! Quick final catch up with Sophie, Dan & Ellie, then come November 30th Dad drove us to the airport to catch our flight back to Canada. We were flying Air India, which fo some reason was the cheapest flight from London to Toronto - go figure - and had the best inflight food (though worst inflight entertainment) I've ever had on an aeroplane. But then you know how I feel about curry....
*Recently he'd turned to Suzie, apropos nothing, and said “Want respect? Use a condom!”
**and by decent, I mean clotted cream, not whipped, and plain scones, none of this horrible fruit rubbish.
***which is quite funny if you're a midwife, nurse or doctor, since this means 'per rectum'.
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