Thursday, September 20, 2007

A disgrace to the sisterhood

I'm sorry, I really am. I realise that what I'm about to tell you might mean I have to hand in my membership to Womenhood United but I've been officially outshopped by a man.

Omigod but Darrell can shop. The other day we went to the West Edmonton Mall (until 2004 the largest shopping mall in world) and spent 12 hours there. Man but it is BIG. To be fair, as well as going in most (but not all!) of the shops, we also had lunch (chinese) and dinner (ribs), went to the cinema (saw Shoot 'Em Up and it is baaaaaaaaaaad), watched a sealion show, went bowling (I whooped Darrell's ass so that's one back for the girls), though we didn't have time to go to the waterpark with waterslides (and hadn't brought our cozzies so might have got arrested for indecency if we'd tried), nor did we have time to go to the theme park (yes really) or see the aquarium. But for the main bulk of the day, we did go into a million different shops. By the end, I was to be found sat on the man chairs moaning quietly and rubbing my tired legs, while Darrell zoomed round like a whirling dervish saying "Come on now, if you sit down you'll never want to get up. Let's pick up the pace!" In subsequent days he has continued this trend by spending a small fortune on hoodies, computer games and - most importantly, a very nice new guitar. Pretty much the full extent of my shopping up till now has been the garment you can see me modelling above, which they call a vest over here, but clearly it is actually a bodywarmer. And green to boot. Oh and I bought some underwear. My god I'm going crazy!

Today we're just chilling out, eating left over Mexican food - those burritos are gooood but they are filling - and playing Guitar Hero, which I wasn't bad at on the easy level but now we're using four fingers I find I'm struggling to keep up with the guitar meister...

New photos here and here.


Anonymous said...

I *believe* we call them gilets these days. Ji-lay. Bodywarmers are so last century

Mia said...

You're very welcome to call them gilets if you so choose (you ponce) but they'll ALWAYS be bodywarmers to me...

Never quite understood why I'd want my body to be warm and not my arms but hey, they're the thing over here so who am I to argue?

Anonymous said...

Oh I like them. I have a small collection. Cosy yet without traily sleeves (which I inevitably dip into the dishwater/bath/babyfood or knock things over with,)

silas said...

And something else where men have changed their ways, listen to the calmness of this bloke getting talked through how to deliver a baby over the phone!

Glad you're having a fantastic time, hon, hope it *all* continues swimmingly!