Saturday, November 13, 2004

Granny Bea, Promotion and Ocado

Tudor & Andy arrived back from Wales last night, on the occasion of Granny Bea's birthday. As you will see, they had organised a sponge cake to celebrate, 2 slices of which made their way back down south for me and Sarah. Yummy. Is there really ANYTHING better than cake? If there is, I have not yet discovered it...

Since the departure of Mike Nolan, the remaining members of Bucks Fizz have never again reached the dizzying heights of their post-Eurovision success Posted by Hello

In other news, it is now confirmed that from the end of next week, I will be taking over from Cindy as Team Leader - as an acting G-Grade (for non-NHS readers this just basically means a promotion) at first until it is advertised, at which point I will apply for the permanent post. As I'll already be doing the job I'll have a distinct advantage at interview (in theory at least)...

I must admit, I'm rather daunted. Firstly and most importantly because it signals the departure of the utterly wonderful Cindy, who we will miss hugely, and whose shoes I cannot hope to fill adequately. She has done so much for the team and takes on so many extra tasks that I don't think I even realise half of what I'm taking on! But I'll do my best and my team are so great I'm sure they'll forgive the inevitable cock-ups I'll make. It's also rather early in my midwifery career for me to be taking on this kind of responsibility and I hope I'm up to it. However, my friends and colleagues seem to think I am so I'll do my best not to let them down. Go easy on me guys!

I'm glad my comments server seems to be working for you - unfortunately for some unknown reason I'm not able to post on it myself (any ideas? Lisa?) so until that's sorted I'll have to reply here. My Ocado shopping turned up yesterday one hour early (they did call and ask if that was okay and if not they'd come back during the original time slot. These guys are professionals) and complete with every last thing I'd ordered. They delivery driver, Paul, was very polite and brought my shopping into the kitchen for me, explained about the colour coded bags (purple for cupboard stuff, red for fridge stuff and yellow for freezer stuff. These guys are professionals) and even commented that the purple bags complimented my purple dressing gown... Brilliant stuff. I'm going to use them every week from now on.

Righto, I'm off to yoga (missed last week as I was at one of the numerous births!) and then to meet Sarah at Lifespa in Ealing for a massage, followed by a girly viewing of some 80s classics on DVD. What a perfect day.

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